Transform your Life with Bach Flower Remedies

Treat the cause not the effect Edward Bach Edward Bach, a British physician, created modern flower essences or flower remedies in the 1930s. According to Bach, flowers have...

Neurodivergent Masking

Masking (also called camouflaging) is a coping mechanism that involves concealing certain traits that are a part of neurodivergence and replacing them with behaviours deemed more...

Attachment Styles

Attachment Styles and How They Affect Adult Relationships Attachment theory, founded by psychologist John Bowlby, suggests that the bond between infants and their primary...

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for social anxiety

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety: Tips & Coping Strategies Social anxiety goes beyond fleeting unease in social settings – it can be a paralyzing fear that...